Thursday, December 11, 2008

Mengubah Air menjadi Energi, fakta baru

BlackLight Power Inc., founded by Dr. Randell Mills, is a New Jersey company that claims to have developed a technology that produces hydrogen from water, making hydrogen a cheap renewable energy source that could replace gasoline. The company's "hydrino theory" has drawn much skepticism.1

On December 11, 2008, BlackLight Power announced it had made a commercial license agreement with Estacado Energy Services, Inc. of New Mexico.

Tentang teknologi yang dikembangkan oleh Blacklight ini dapat dibaca pada artikel yang ditulis pada energi portal berikut:

Energi listrik dari hydrino
Oleh energiportal

Senin, Juni 30, 2008 10:21:39

Blacklight Power Inc, perusahaan yang didirikan oleh Randell Mills, seorang doktor dari Harvard, telah mengembangkan metode untuk mendorong atom-atom pada hidrogen ke suatu tingkat dimana banyak ilmuwan menyanggah keberadaan tingkatan tersebut.

Menurut Blacklight, energi yang dihasilkan dari perpindahan atom-atom hidrogen bisa menghasilkan listrik seharga 1 sen per kWH. Jauh lebih murah dari listrik yang dihasilkan batubara. Perusahaan tersebut menyatakan bisa melakukannya tanpa menghasilkan polusi, dan proses yang berjalan sendiri hanya dengan menambahkan air.

Terkesan hanya sebuah penipuan ilmiah yang dibesar-besarkan. Dan seperti kebohongan ilmiah yang dilakukan oleh banyak perusahaan, hasilnya tidak pernah keluar dari laboratorium riset mereka.

Tetapi Blacklight sebaliknya menyatakan telah mendapatkan pendanaan sebesar US$ 60 juta, termasuk US$ 10 juta dari perusahaan listrik Conectiv dan PacifiCorp, dan sejumlah penyandang dana lainnya seperti Shelby Brewer, asisten sekretaris energi nuklir masa pemerintahan Ronald Reagen dan Michael Jordan, CEO Electronic Data Systems.

Proses yang dimiliki Blacklight sekarang ini, Blacklight menamakannya ''Blacklight Process'', mulanya ditemukan oleh Mills di tahun 1991. Mills menyatakan telah menemukan cara untuk menghasilkan molekul yang disebut hydrino. Secara teori, hydrino adalah sebuah bentuk atom hidrogen dimana elektron-elektronnya telah memasuki orbit yang lebih rendah. Artinya, atom tersebut mengandung energi yang lebih sedikit. Mills bahkan menyatakan tidak hanya berhasil menghasilkan hydrino, tetapi telah berhasil menangkap energi yang dilepaskan selama proses peubahan bentuk dari hidrogen, dan mengubahnya dalam bentuk energi listrik.

Menurut Mills, ketika hydrino dibuat melalui reaksi antara hidrogen dengan sebuah katalis, akan dihasilkan energi yang lebih dari cukup untuk mesuplai energi bagi proses elektrolisis pada air, dan menghasilkan lebih banyak hidrogen. Kelebihan energinya, sebagian besar, digunakan untuk menghasilkan listrik. Proses tersebut berulang dengan sendirinya. Satu-satunya tambahan dari luar yang diperlukan adalah katalis, yang berfungsi merubah hidrogen menjadi hydrino, dan panas. Panas ini juga akan dihasilkan dengan sendirinya setelah reaksi dimulai.

Hydrino sendiri tampaknya bersifat non-reaktif dan bisa dilepaskan begitu saja ke udara, karena lebih ringan daripada Helium, atau hidrino-hidrino tersebut bisa diproses menjadi bahan kimia unik.

Hanya saja hingga kini tingkatan energi hidrogen menurut para ahli fisika kuantum sudah pada tingkat terendahnya. Menurut Douglas Osheroff, pemenang Nobel fisika dari Standford University, elektron-elektron pada hidrogen telah berada pada orbit terendahnya, dan tidak mungkin bergerak pada orbit yang lebih rendah.

Sementara itu Randy Booker, profesor fisika dari University of North Carolina menyatakan Greenpeace telah meminta bantuan dia dan beberapa dosen di fakultasnya untuk mengevaluasi teknologi tersebut di tahun 2005. Booker bersama rekan-rekannya telah beberapa kali memasuki laboratorium Blacklight di Cranbury, New Jersey untuk memvalidasi proses yang dilakukan Blacklight.

Booker menjelaskan bahwa metode ilmiah yang dilakukan Blacklight sudah benar, mulai dari pengukurannya hingga prosedurnya. Bahkan Booker menambahkan bahwa apa yang ditemukan Mills bisa menjadi teori baru yang revolusioner, jauh melampaui fisika kuantum. Booker, dalam beberapa kali kunjungannya ke laboratorium Blacklight telah melihat proses pembangkitan energi listrik yang menghasilkan 2 kW.

Meski demikian, proses tersebut masih harus melalui public demonstration agar diterima lebih banyak orang dan kalangan ilmiah. Blacklight saat ini sedang mengerjakan fasilitas prototipnya di New Jersey dan diharapkan selesai pada tahun 2009. Bersamaan dengan itu proses pembangkitan energinya akan ditingkatkan menjadi 50kW.

  1. Official Site: BlackLight Power Inc.
  2. MarketWatch: BlackLight Power Inc. Announces First Commercial License... (December 11, 2008)
  3. The New York Times: Blacklight Power Bolsters Its Impossible... (October 21, 2008)
  4. VentureBeat: Blacklight Power claims nearly-free energy from water...? (May 3, 2008)
  5. BlackLight Power Announces Commercial Ready Alternative... (February 28, 2008)
  6. Village Voicepage: Quantum Leap (December 21, 1999) Jackie: Great article on Randell and the Hydrino theory
  7. YouTube Video: New Energy Source- BlackLight Power (Time: 7:00)

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Another Tech video and Funny video

Whatch this out

Dir: William Sinclair / UK-IRL / 2006 The tide is coming in and Finn (Dylan Moran), a worthless low-rent hood, has been dropped on an isolated beach, his feet set in concrete.
Category: Film & Animation
Tell it to the Fishes William Sinclair Dylan Moran Future Shorts

Whatch this out, It is funny film to get you a litle rilex, after doing research about nuclear, thorium, and campaign for nuclear for peace, GO PLTN Indonesia.

Thorium dapat mengatasi masalah energi dunia?

Perkembangan teknologi thorium, barangkali dapat mengatasi masalah energi dunia. Lihat video dibawah ini:

Lihat Reaksi pada skala Laboratorium

Thanks to Google TechTalk Channel providing us such valuable lectures.

Electrical power is, and will increasingly become, the desired form of energy for its convenience, safety, flexibility and applicability. Even future transportation embraces electric cars, trains, and chemical fuel production (jet fuel, hydrogen, etc.) based upon an abundant electrical supply. Although existing energy sources can and should be expanded where practical, no one source has shown to be practical to rapidly fulfill the world's energy requirements effectively. Presently there is an existing source of energy ideally suited to electrical energy production that is not being exploited anywhere in the world today, although its existence and practicality has been know since the earliest days of nuclear science. Thorium is the third source of fission energy and the LFTR is the idealized mechanism to turn this resource into electrical energy. Enough safe, clean energy, globally sustainable for 1000's of years at US standards.

This talk is aimed at explaining this thorium energy resource from fundamental physics to today's practical applications. The presentation is sufficient for the non-scientist to grasp the whole subject, but will be intriguing to even classically trained nuclear engineers. By providing the historical context in which the technology was discovered and later developed into a power reactor, the story of thorium's disappearance as an energy source is revealed. But times have changed, and today, thorium energy can be safely exploited in a completely new form of nuclear reactor.

The LFTR is unique, having a hot liquid core thus eliminating fuel fabrication costs and the need for a large reactor. It cannot have a nuclear meltdown and is so safe that typical control rods are not required at all. This design topples all the conventional arguments against conventional energy sources in such areas as:

* Waste Production
* Safety
* Proliferation
* Capital Costs and Location
* Environmental Impact
* Social Acceptance
* Flexibility
* Grid Infrastructure
* Efficiency

Should America take this step toward a New Era in Nuclear Energy Production? Hear the case for "The Electricity Rock" and then decide.

Speaker: Dr. Joe Bonometti

Dr. Bonometti has extensive engineering experience in the government, within industry, and in academia over a 25-year career. Recently completing an assignment as the NASA Chair Professor at the Naval Post graduate School, he supported a ship design study that utilized advanced nuclear power derived from thorium. Working at NASA for ten years as a technology manager, lead systems engineer, nuclear specialist, and propulsion researcher, he lead several NASA tiger teams in evaluating the Nuclear System Initiatives fission demonstration vehicle and missions. He managed the Emerging Propulsion Technology Area for in-space systems, the Marshall Air Launch team, as well as a variety of other power and propulsion assignments and is now the Lead Systems Engineer for the Ares I-Y flight. After earning a Doctorate degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Alabama in Huntsville, he spent several years as a Research Scientist & Senior Research Engineer at the UAH Propulsion Research Center where he served as a Principal Investigator and manager for the Solar Thermal Laboratory. He has worked as a Senior Mechanical Designer at Pratt & Whitney supporting aircraft engine manufacturing and at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory within the laser fusion program. A graduate from the United States Military Academy, at West Point, where he studied nuclear physics and engineering, Dr. Bonometti served as an officer in the United States Army Corps of Engineers; both in combat and district engineering management assignments. He is a Registered Professional Engineer in the State of Virginia, and has authored numerous aerospace technical publications, particularly propulsion and space systems technologies. His technical expertise includes nuclear engineering, specialized mechanical & materials research, space plasmas & propulsion, thermodynamics, heat transfer, and space systems engineering.